Bern and Zürich
Number of vehicles
2 TaxiBike for each campaign
Type of campaign
Street marketing and mobile advertising
Duration & Date
November 25 to 27, 2021: 9h/day of Street Marketing and 7h/day for Saturday November 27
August 26th to 28th 2022: 11h/day of Street Marketing on August 26th and 9h/day of Street Marketing on August 27th and 28th
October 22nd 2022: 5h/day of Street Marketing
Visibility in the hyper-center of Bern and Zurich
Highlighting the opening of Aldi stores
Free shopping in the city center
Distribution of flyers
Nos résultats
Bern 2021: 75’000 visual contacts with 5’000 flyers distributed
Bern 2022: 15’000 visual contacts (1 day)
Zürich 2022: 87’000 visual contacts
In total 177’000 visual contacts