Wine & Cheese Tour
Awaken your senses by discovering tasty Swiss wines and cheeses.
Give your taste buds this perfect combination of wine and cheese while discovering the wonders of Geneva.

By TukTuk
1h30: CHF 215.- / TukTuk, from 1 to 4 pers.

Included in the tour
Cheese platter / side dish 1 glass / person
Cheese platter / side dish 1 glass / person cold meats (with supplement)
Driver ride
Practical Informations
Monday: 13.00 – 18.00
Tu-Fr : 9.00 – 18.00
Sa : 9.00 – 15.30
Bike-Taxi : 20 people max / group. -10 years accompanied by an adult.
eTukTuk : 12 people max / group – Booster seats provided for children over 5 years old (on request) – Baby seats provided for children over 9 kg (on request)